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10 points to know about volatile variable in JAVA?

Volatile variable have some specific uses.It's better to know all the major reason  why java adopt such variables .Please found the below 10 points which need to be noticed: 1.Volatile variable always get allocated in the main memory.To allocate any variable in main memory volatile keyword is used. 2.Precisely volatile variable are always read and write directly from main memory.It doesn't perform any operation from CPU 's cache. 3.Volatile variable after JAVA 5 guranatees the visibilty of changes to variable across multiple threads. 4.Volatile also provide atomicity in some cases e.g .while reading double and long data types. 5.In case of volatile long and  volatile double data types which are of 64 bytes the read operation is atomic. 6. If you know that a long field is accessed by more than one thread e.g. a counter or anything, you better make it volatile. Why? because reading to a long variable is not atomic in Java and done in two steps, If one thread is w


To implement Singleton pattern, we have different approaches : 1.Eager initialization: In this method the instance of clss is created at loading time .As whenever in java there is a requirement of species at loading time we first remember of Static keyword. package com.questprogram.singleton; public class EagerInitializedSingleton { private static final EagerInitializedSingleton instance = new EagerInitializedSingleton(); //private constructor to avoid client applications to use constructor private EagerInitializedSingleton(){} public static EagerInitializedSingleton getInstance(){ return instance; } } 2. Static block initialization Static Block initialization implementation is similar to eager initialization, except that instance of class is created in the static block that provides option for exception handling. package com.questprogram.singleton; public class StaticBlockSingleton { private static StaticBlockSingleton in

Immutability!!.How to achieve over classes/methods/variables?

The only way to achieve immutability of class is as followed

Base knowledge for spring framework developer

Spring Framework : Facts:Spring Framework is a lightweight framework.Do you know reason.Read out Proof: As Spring follow MVC model as following  Fig.1.MVC model  Does the image show that spring framework is light weight framework.If you are new then you might be confuse.So Don't be confuse go to the below coding example which proves it's light weight properties. Reason.1-> Use Of POJO's  POJO means  Plain Old Java Object . It refers to a Java object (instance of definition) that isn't bogged down by framework extensions. For example, to receive messages from JMS, you need to write a class that implements the MessageListener interface. Coming to a simple example. Here College class has it's own property name & Address.It include references s1 for student type class & similarly t1 for Teacher type class.As there is a case of Assciation(HAS-A) relationship between college and student.Similarly to teacher also.But if you ana

AngularJs/javascript and Angular/typescript (version 2/4/latest) have a series of difference.

                         AngularJs vs Angular (Typescript)                                                 On basis of process of compilation          ANGULARJS : Angular Js  compiler  traverses the DOM looking for attributes . It takes two phase for compilation where initial phase  traverse the DOM and collect all of the directives. The result is a linking function.   Next  phase evolves combine the directives with a scope and produce a live view. Any changes in the scope model are reflected in the view, and any user interactions with the view are reflected in the scope model. This makes the scope model the single source of truth.

Difference between String ,StringBuffer & StringBuilder?

Run this simple java program and create scenerio of String object creation in your mind.You will see huge difference than expectation.                                I would recommend to first try on your own then follow the solution . As you execute the above line of codes in your Java Runtime Environment .As compiler read the lines .In  case of                                      String a= new String("Hello");        As it will allow compiler to create a new string object .It is always mandatory for  compiler to allocate a memory space in heap whenever new  keyword is used.So String class object created successfully in heap with reference variable a.And a very important point  need to be noted down that here  "new String("Hello');"   It will make a literal object in String  pool with value "Hello".So total number of object created equals if you print value of a using System.out.println(a);  It will print