AngularJs vs Angular (Typescript)
On basis of process of compilation
- Angular Js compiler traverses the DOM looking for attributes.It takes two phase for compilation where initial phase traverse the DOM and collect all of the directives. The result is a linking function.
- Next phase evolves combine the directives with a scope and produce a live view. Any changes in the scope model are reflected in the view, and any user interactions with the view are reflected in the scope model. This makes the scope model the single source of truth.
- Angular/Typescript:An Angular application consists multiple component alongwith HTML directives. Before the browser can render the application, the components and templates must be converted to executable JavaScript by an Angular compiler.Angular offers two ways to compile your application:
- Just-in-Time (JIT), which compiles your app in the browser at runtime
- Ahead-of-Time (AOT), which compiles your app at build time.
On basis of code syntax:
In case of angularJs the javascript function written for controller can be viewed as
while similar functionality if handled in angular/typescript the length of code might take some extra line.But the selector in the given below lines of code makes a big change.In case of every selector can be use as html directive
View of this component along with html,css & controller part as file.ts can be used anywhere.
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