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Showing posts from April, 2020

Before Starting MicroServices just walk through Orchestration !! Matters a lot

What is this Orchestration : Orchestration is the traditional way of handling interactions between different services in Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA). With orchestration process, there is typically one controller that acts as the “orchestrator” of the overall service interactions. This typically follows a request/response type pattern. For example, if three services needed to be called in a particular order, the orchestrator makes a call to each one, waiting for a response before calling the next. 

Filtering for your restful webServices

Filters are one of the important features provided by the JAX-RS framework. It is used in various contexts. It may be applied on either request to a resource or the response from a resource, or both.Consider a scenario in which we do not want to show some class members in the response. This process is called filtering. Jackson has two annotations that are used in filtering are:  @JsonIgnore  and  @JsonIgnoreProperties . @JsonIgnore  is used at field level to mark a property or list of properties to be ignored. import java . io . IOException ; import com . fasterxml . jackson . annotation . JsonIgnore ; import com . fasterxml . jackson . databind . ObjectMapper ; public class JacksonSampleTest { public static void main ( String args []){ ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper (); try { Student student = new Student ( 1 , 11 , "LABORATORY" , "SAMUEL" ); String jsonString = mapper ...